Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A torn wing

This was long back at IISc. A butterfly with torn wings caught my attention. And, I followed it for quite sometime taking lotz of snaps. Wanted to get close to it, but the guy kept hopping from flower to flower, resting briefly, sucking the nectar and moving along.

A long shot. The Monsoon was on, long blades of green grass, various plants that spring up overnight and grow furiously.

The otherside of the wing. Paler, still the eyes & other patterns are noticable.

Clicking a butterfly is interesting. Some species, sit for quite sometime & are unperturbed. Many are shy & hop fast. Some are real fast, have U seen them, they just zap away.

I kept watching him. Many a snap. Pauses in between. This guy flying, sitting, drinking & moving on. But always around the place I stood. Soon he become somebody I seem to know for a long time.

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